a letter from management

Reflecting on what AMOR DIGITAL means to me, my loved ones and our community is such a beautiful experience, if sometimes bittersweet. 

As you might know, Yuca Frita is no longer part of AMOR DIGITAL. We’ve worked together for 3 years and I’m insanely proud, you don’t even know. Having watched her from her first ever DJ set to where she is now is actually crazy. I know she’s going to do amazing on her own and will continue growing as an artist. I will always cherish the time we shared together in this more “formal” relationship but I hope our friendship endures longer than any DJ collective might last. 

In some ways, it’s a tough pill to swallow being on my own with AMOR DIGITAL again. At the same time, it’s low-key exciting and liberating to be back full circle where it began. AMOR DIGITAL started as my burner IG, when my idea for a forward-thinking party featuring more underground club sounds from the Caribbean, the Americas, etc was just that — only an idea. 

I’m forever indebted to 99%, Namaste Shawty & Yuca Frita for the thing we’ve built together over the years. AD would not be the same without them, it wouldn’t mean as much to me without them.. but the responsibility and driving energy of AD will always fall on my shoulders because I’ve literally put my all into this. This is my passion project and my financial/emotional/spiritual well-being hangs in the balance every day I continue with it.

Having a creative space in the Excelsior really is a dream come true and I’m excited to be able to share it with the people who deserve a place to be their most creative selves, with professional equipment, without dropping a month’s rent to use or needing to deal with grouchy ass engineers (I’ll try my best to not be grouchy, I promise). I see its potential as a place where *everyone* , not just straight men, can record/practice/etc and not feel like some neckbeard ass gearhead is going to grill you for not knowing the intricacies of Pro Tools. At the end of the day it’s the art that comes from the ~deepest corners~ of our souls and psyches that interests me, not just the most polished, well-researched or well-funded.

Aside from that, the AD film club is hella pure and I’m thankful for the people I’ve met through ~~ cinema. Video is a medium I’m really interested in exploring.

So while AD is back to being a deeply personal project, I feel more confident than ever about its potential to fill in some of the gaps we have in the Bay Area. I feel especially grateful for the most important people of all — everyone who has ever supported our shows or my music. Pushing AD forward is often a deeply isolating experience but it’s in those moments when I see people who met at the shows hanging out IRL — dating even :) — that I feel really appreciative of the impact we’ve had on the Bay. It’s when people see me out in the “real world” and tell me about their experience at a show, or a song of mine they listen to regularly, that I don’t feel so alone. I hope to give you guys the same love and care that you have always given me.

I thought about not saying anything about these changes but at the end of the day, I’m a human being not a brand or business. There is an emotional weight to life changes and I’ve always been an online yapper and oversharer so why stop now?

Announcements soon :)

Un abrazote bien fuerte <3 tkm

Club music from the americas.